Adrian und Johann in den USA

The Route

August 17th, 2006

OK, well now that our day of departure is coming closer and closer, here is an oversight of our route as detailed as we have it planned out right now (we’ll fill in the blanks when we get there):

1. First of all, we’re flying to Boston on sunday, September 22nd. After spending a couple of days at a tea party, we hope to be able to pick up our car on tuesday.

2. This is where the actual “roadtrip” starts: The first part takes us down south, more or less following the east coast. Cities we are planning to visit along the way are NYC, Washington D.C. and a couple of others. Also on our way are the Outer Banks (N.C.) and Myrdle Beach. Depending on how long we stay at wherever we like it, we might get as far down as Charleston, S.C.. If not, we’ll just swing inwards at some other point to start the second leg of our trip, going west.

3. Our trip west will probably only take us as far as Nashville, since I wanted to celebrate the release of my country album, “He’s An Impostor!”, by actually visiting the heart of country music. If we find time, we might pay the King a visit in Memphis, but I don’t know if we’ll make it that far, because…

4. We have one set date on this trip, and that is arriving in Akron (near Cleveland, OH) on September 1st to be there in time for uncle Kenny’s wedding on September 2nd. We’ll be spending a few days in Ohio, time enough to show Johann the other side of my family and prove that there is a reason for everything, even for the way I am.

5. We’ll leave Ohio probably around the 5th of September to continue our trip, again going west until we reach Chicago. From there on, it’s all pretty planless again. We’ll definitely spend some time in Chicago (let’s see how long the money lasts), and after that we’re heading northwest to visit my third home, the beautiful state of Wisconsin (home of the brave, the beer and the cows), where we’ll visit a couple of my old host families and friends. And eat cheese and drink beer.

6. At last comes (obviously) the final part of our trip, taking us from Durand down south along the Mississippi until we go east again to Madison to visit some more friends. And from there on we’ll get back to Boston somehow, but we haven’t really got a plan how we’re gonna do that yet. All we know is that we have to be in Bostom by September 21st. I think. Actually, I forgot what date we have to return the car. But we’ll figure that out by then.

7. On September 21st we fly from Boston back to Germany, arriving there in the early hours of September 22nd. But that’s a long, long time from now…

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