Adrian und Johann in den USA

Calories and cops

August 22nd, 2006

Hmm, where to start…well, actually, our first real day in the US started with a lot of calories, better known as an “Egg McJagger”, also known as an egg, bacon & cheese sandwich. Great breakfast. That’s basically how we continued for lunch, were I had a Hot dog deluxe. That’s a hot dog with chili and cheese. And I mean scoops of cheese. And a “regular” ice cream cup at Ben & Jerry’s. New York super fudge chunk something something. I can’t imagine anyone ever eating a big one of those.



Obviously, our day ended at the best Burgerplace in all Boston (right in front of Havard) with a great burger and the biggest batch of Onionrings I’ve ever seen. If I don’t wake up anymore next morning, it’s probably because my arteries are stuffed with fat. Oh well, I’ll definitely cut back on that tomorrow.


Cops. Yeah, we visited Havard University today in Cambridge, a part of Boston. Afterwords we went towards the river to look at the MIT. We took a little break at the river, and all students who haven’t left Boston for the summer seemed to be jogging along the river. This is also were we met to policemen on their police-bicycles. I guess they were taking a break also, waiting for their next call, because all they were checking out were the girls running by. Which, of course, led them to a discussion about the large-breasted women (fake or non-fake and so on) they had been dating (OK, well actually I believe “doing” was the word they used) lately. Needless to say, we had a lot of fun listening to them (it’s not like we were ear-dropping, they were practically screaming).


I’m tired now, so I’ll cut this short. We’re leaving Boston tomorrow, although we won’t be visiting NYC, but then again we don’t really know were we’ll go. We just hope we get a descent car.
See ya,


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